Released Discovery Tab (Restricted Access)

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

Released Discovery Tab (Restricted Access)

This section will cover all the Released Discovery (Restricted Access) on a case.

Restricted Access:

If an Attorney has not been granted access to Released material they will appear as “Restricted Access” under the status column. You can Release these at any time.

Restricted Access files can not use the check box to run actions upon. See instructions below on how to use this feature.

Access all Restricted files

Open sub menu and choose Show only Restricted Access Material

Remove restriction (single item)

To remove the restriction of an item one by one, use the ellipse on the items row and in the menu select “release”.

Releasing restricted item (single item)

Once you click Release a modal will appear showing what item will be released and to what Defense Attorney on the case.

Release multiple items:

Remove restriction (multiple items)

Select more than one item by checking its box inline. To remove the restriction of multiple items, use the ellipse located under check boxes.

Menu option

Use the ellipse and in the menu select “release selected items”.

Modal confirmation

Once you click Release a modal will appear showing what items will be released and to what Defense Attorney on the case.