Released Discovery Tab

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

Released Discovery Tab

Released Material – Discovery that has been stamped and given to defense Attorney.

This section will cover all the Released Discovery on a case, who it was released to and so much more.

Status column

Status of the Defense will be displayed here:

Not Received / Received.

Click the ? icon to learn more about the status.

Related Items

If there are Related documents to the material there will be an ellipse shown. Click to expand and access the documents.


Use the ellipse to view additional actions that can be performed on each item.

Sub menu options:

Menu items

This menu has option that can be acted upon the selected items.

Create Physical

Choose items that you want to include in Physical Request.
More on Creating Physical Discovery here.

Save Item(s)

Choose items that you want to include in your Save request.

Show only Restricted

If an Attorney has Restricted Access material you can easily sort and bulk Release them by using this link.


Not Received

If an item has not been viewed or picked up by Defense Attorney it will show a status of Not Received, click the ? for additional details


If an item has been viewed or picked up by Defense Attorney it will show a status of Received, click the ? for additional details. This will show the Date the item was first looked at (or picked up).

Restricted Access

If an item was not released to and attorney it will be marked as Restricted Access.

Learn more on how to remove this restriction here.

July 8, 2021