Physically Discovered Material Tab

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

This section will outline Physically Requested Discovery. Also covered will be how to view any previous Requests.


View comments (if available)

Not all request will have comments. If you see the “view” text in this column then there is a comment and can be reviewed.

Click the “view” text link, a pop up will appear with comment text.

View Request Details

View details

Click the link to open modal and see the details of the request.

Modal showing Request details

Click Print button to get access to a printable version of the request.

Cancel Request

Canceling a Request

You can cancel a request only if there is no Picked Up date logged.

Confirm Cancelation request

Confirm Canceling a Request

You must confirm the cancelation request.

Read and check the box. Once checked the submit button will become active.

Confirmed Canceling a Request

Once successfully canceled a message will appear at the top of the browser.

Confirmation of Canceled Request

Once canceled there will be a date shown when the task was canceled, no further action can be taken on this item.

July 8, 2021