Case View Page

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

  1. Breadcrumb Navigation
  2. Case Number and DDA assigned
  3. Defense Attorney(s) assigned
  4. Defendant(s)
  5. New Material Tab (learn more)
  6. Pending Release Tab (learn more)
  7. Released Discovery Tab (learn more)
  8. Physically Released Material Tab (learn more)
  9. Non Discovery Material tab (learn more)
  10. File Upload (learn more)

Header section

No email on file – Non Registered Defense Attorney notice

None Registered Defense Attorney notice

Registered Defense Attorney – not agreed to Case Agreement notice

Registered Defense Attorney – has agreed to Case Agreement notice

Defendants Data

Defendant name and XREF

Hover your mouse over the name of the Defendant and their XREF will be dispalyed.

Case Sections (tabs)

New Material

This section has all the new material that in uploaded to the case and has not been Bates stamped yet.

Pending Release

This section has all the new material that in uploaded to the case and has been Bates stamped and ready for Release to Defense.

Released Discovery

All the stamped and Released material will be shown here.

Physically Discovered Material

If a physical delivery is requested it will appear here.

Non Discoverable Material

If an item is marked for Non Discovery it will be shown here.

August 17, 2021