How to Stamp Material (Bates)

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

This section will cover the New Material that has been added to a case and how to process it for Discovery

Discover single item (movie)

Discover selected items

Select the items you want to Discover:

Click the icon below the checklist choose Discover Selected Items.

A modal window will appear with the

Modal window with selected items

Resort (prior to Bates Numbering)

Drag items to where you want them in Number Range

Result of dragging “Request 8” is now located above BWC1

Setting up Prefix

Check the box to create a Prefix

Validate the enter by clicking button

If valid, click Submit button to commit requested Prefix.

Audio / Video (AV) stamping

AV files in the “stamping” process