How to Release Material

Section pages: Case View PageNew Material Pending ReleaseReleased DiscoveryPhysically DiscoveredNon Discoverable

About this section:

This section show you how to Release stamped materials to Defense

About this section:

How to Release Material to Defense Attorney

How to Release Multiple Items:
  • Select items and click the submenu option
  • Choose “Release selected items”
  • A modal window will appear
How to Release a Single Item:
  • Select item in row
  • Under Actions choose “Release”
  • A modal window will appear

Modal window

If the case has more then one attorney they will be listed here.

Choose who gets the Released Material by having the checkbox active next to there name.

Note: if the attorney is not registered you will see text indicating this and that they will not be able to access these released items unto the complete registration.

Click “submit” button to complete transaction

Single Attorney Case example

Additional options in the Pending tab

Resort numbering

Resort Numbering

  • Select items and click the submenu option
  • Choose “Resort Numbering of selected items”
  • A modal window will appear

Modal window

You can drag items in the order you wan the resort to happen.

Example of dragging item

Move stamped items back to New Material

If you need to move stamped items back into New Material.

Use the submenu option and select Move items to New Material and Remove Stamping.

A modal will appear showing what you are about move back into New Material.

Review the data and cancel or Submit Request using the buttons.