Case View

Upload Files

This section talks about how to handle deleting files in New Material. Keep in mind the files will be removed from the case permanently.

Released Discovery Tab (Restricted Access)

Released Material – Restricted Access and how to remove restrictions

How to Release Material

This section show you how to Release stamped materials to Defense

Recall Released Material

This section talks about how to Recall files in within the application.

If an item has not been marked as “received” by the Defense you can “recall” it.

How to Stamp Material (Bates)

This section will cover how to process material for Discovery (how to stamp items).

Save Files

This section talks about how to Save files in within the application.

Delete Files

This section talks about how to handle deleting files in New Material. Keep in mind the files will be removed from the case permanently.

Zip Files

This section talks about how to handle zip files in New Material.

Create a Physical Discovery Request

This section will outline how to create a new Physical Request.

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