Case View

Case view covers all aspects of the case and how to Discover Material.

Ward Number

Data coming soon…

Add Defense Attorney to a case in DX

Click Manage Def Attorney  Choose Defendant Choose Role Type Select an Attorney from dropdown list Click Save Saved

Delete Files

This section talks about how to handle deleting files in New Material. Keep in mind the files will be removed from the case permanently.

Upload Files

This section talks about how to handle deleting files in New Material. Keep in mind the files will be removed from the case permanently.

Recall Released Material

This section talks about how to Recall files in within the application.

If an item has not been marked as “received” by the Defense you can “recall” it.

Save Files

This section talks about how to Save files in within the application.

Non Discoverable Material

This page discusses the Non Discoverable material and how to edit or make discoverable.

Zip Files

This section talks about how to handle zip files in New Material.